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About And Counting

!Kauru Contemporary African Art presents And Counting,'

- and counting, seeks to engage archives as a means through which to confront the issue of collective history/ies while also looking at works that exist outside institutional archives and collections. The title of the exhibition questions the very nature of archives as ongoing sites of accumulation and history, while also questioning these ideas around collective and shared history in two very different contexts, when it comes to the notion of institutional archives.

While unsurprising, it is interesting how we choose to reflect on landmark moments (on anniversaries of historical events, elections, public holidays etc.), as such, we question what a reflection that does not simmer in nostalgia and romanticism might look like. Through contemporary artistic production that traverses a number of historical contexts, the exhibition maps points of reference between the current realities and sensibilities in Zambia and South Africa. We are interested in the role memory as ever-shifting and collective histories in relation to grand historical narratives that are often employed to reflect on issues of democracy, identity, trade, memory and the archive.


Tšhegofatso Mabaso and Julia Taonga Kaseka

Featured Artists:

Aaron Samuel Mulenga (Zambia), Daut Makala (Zambia), David Koloane (SA), Ernest Cole (SA), Gladys Kalichini (Zambia), Henry Tayali (Zambia), Nicholas Hlobo (SA), Nyaniso Dzedze (SA), Ranjith Kally (SA), Sam Nhlengethwa (SA), Stary Mwaba (Zambia), Turiya Magadlela (SA), Wesley Hlongwane (SA)